S[&]T, Stefan van der Linden Robust Navigation - STRoNG Unless we want to go back to the Middle Ages (quite literally) - we have to be prepared Navigation systems such as the American G lobal P ositioning S ystem (GPS) and the European Galileo system are a... defence sensing and control 9 Jul 2021
S[&]T, Stefan van der Linden GRATE Did you know that, even while you’re sitting at your desk, you’re still highly dependent on satellite navigation systems (e.g. GPS, Galileo) working correctly? Apart from the location info as used by ... sensing and control space and science 7 Jan 2021
S[&]T, Edo Loenen Disturb Phase 1 Finalized DISTURB, which stands for D isturbance-detection by I ntelligent S olar radio T elescope of (Un)perturbed R adio-frequency B ands, is a system that will monitor radio emissions from the sun to detect ... defence sensing and control space and science 20 Oct 2020